“Unwilling to Let Go” goes home with Elena Lai Etcheverry
“Unwilling to Let Go”, Oil on Canvas has a new home with Elena Lai Etcheverry!
The owner and founder of Charity Wings Art Center, Elena Lai Etcheverry knew instantly that she wanted to own one of the Gypsy Brides! Elena attended the California State University San Marcos Art Gallery show in the summer of 2013 at a time when she was looking for a boost in inspiration. At the show she asked me which of the paintings in the series most embodied “Hope, Determination and Perseverance?” All of the qualities she lives and brings to her non-profit arts organization on a daily basis. We walked around the gallery, talking about each composition and the symbolism. When we walked up to “Unwilling to Let Go” Elena knew that this was the painting for her!
It was exciting to be approached by Elena and asked such a question. I had never experienced anyone ever doing that. It really made me ponder- Which of the fourteen new paintings shared, not only in content but also in composition and color the “Hope, Determination and Perseverance” qualities Elena was seeking. “Unwilling to Let Go” is a strong painting. The figure sits alone on the stair landing, with frogs scattered down the train of her dress. She is overlooking the isle of a church scene in which her groom and the wedding party lay in waiting. This painting plays a lot with lights and darks, not only in value but also in the way of metaphorical struggles. I can see how Elena was drawn to this piece. She is a very strong individual; a leader and a pioneer. I’m am so glad she found her very own Gypsy Bride!